Tour de Pologne
I went on the Tour de Pologne for the first time a few years ago. I was going to photograph the speeding peloton. Unfortunately, inexperience made me misconfigure the camera. As the peloton was passing once, for a few seconds only, wrong camera settings and rush framing completely destroyed this photo trip! I mumbled myself then: "It makes no sense to shoot pictures of speeding peloton!"
Fortunately, however, the TDP is not only about the classic stages in which all the cyclist ride together in the peloton. There is one stage of the individual time trial every year. The cyclists start one by one at one-minute intervals then. Contrary to the peloton, it is a great opportunity not only to walk along the route, but also to experiment with the framing and, above all, to learn from your mistakes.
This year, the time trial took place during the sixth stage of the TDP in Katowice city. Below there are a few photos from a sunny Saturday afternoon.
And what do you think is more interesting? Flying dogs from the previous post or Tour de Pologne? Yes, I know, I am asking you to compare apples with oranges...
For more information about the Tour de Pologne, which is a part of a UCI World Ranking calendar, click here.